Upgraded fully NVIS (Night Vision Intensification System)-compliant console lighting makes the instrumentation readable through the green-hued vision of the NVGs (although cockpit instruments are often read by glancing beneath the goggles themselves). The Night Attack Hornet also features two Kaiser-developed 5" x 5" KROMA MFDs, which use variable-orientation LCD electronic "shutters" to show three colors (green, amber and red) via a single CRT gun (these DDIs were monochrome in previous Hornets). F/A-18s also are equipped with the Smith's SRS 2100 color digital moving map navigation display, which provides geographical CD-ROM data on the Horizontal Indicator (HI).
The first 31 F/A-18Ds built featured improved avionics and featured AMRAAM and IR Maverick capability, but were not considered fully equipped for night attack duties. The prototype for the fully-capable night attack Hornet-D was created by modifying the first F/A-18D (BuNo 163434), the same aircraft used for F/A-18D ATARS development.